Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Commit and Watch God Move


These lessons will be best used when both parent and child interact together, and who knows perhaps you both learn something about each other and grow a little closer.
The lessons are intended to be short, direct and to the point, with the hope that the parents will make the lesson suitable for their own particular child, but, maintaining the overall emphasis..
Thank you for your time, contributions and the difference you are making in our community through 5+2.

Commitment your first step:
But Ruth said: "Entreat me not to leave you, Or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, And your God, my God."  Ruth 1:16

While every 5+2 project leader needs money and human resources (people) to reach his or her goals, commitment should always precede those resources.

When it is your family's project month, be sure as a leader to demonstrates a commitment to the mission and goals of the organization, for that is when God will move and a whole stream of events will begin to flow.

In the very first chapter of the book that bears her name, Ruth chooses to stay with Naomi, her mother- in-law, even after she loses her husband.  She didn't know it, but her commitment would lead to all kinds of open doors.  Ruth finds work during a difficult time, makes friends in a foreign land, and eventually gains a new husband, Boaz.  Most impressively, God includes her -a Moabite adopted into the family of Israel-in the line of Christ.  The child she bore became part of the lineage of the Messiah.

The key?  Commitment.  Once a leader definitely commits, God moves and all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings, people, and material assistance will begin to stream forth.


There are many ways to communicate to God through prayer, and praying scripture is the at the very foundation.  There is no single "right way" to do it. These prayers are appropriate to pray for yourself, a single person, or for two or more people at the same time.  We can pray God's word verbatim, or as a paraphrase using our own words.  Praying scripture keep God's Word at the center of our prayers, so that we are praying according to his will and his ways.  Here is a prayer for Spiritual Growth and Maturity.
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." 1John 4:18
"I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,.." Eph 3:18

Paraphrasing scripture:
Father, I/we pray for______ .
Thanks you for your perfect love. Help ____ to be aware of your love, and
to experience that love in a real and tangible way.
Help ______ to realize that your love is so big, so long and wide, so high and deep, that_____ will
never understand it. Yet, may ______ know how much you love ______ ( him/her /them) with absolute certainty.
Most especially, help _________to return Your love, to love you will all _______(his/her/their) heart, mind, soul and strength. Matt 22:37

5+2, making a difference in the community around us,one step at a time...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Are You Listening?


As the first installment of our weekly leadership email, this email will start off with a brief introduction on format, content, and intended use of these emails.
Each email is broken into three sections, Introduction, leadership and Prayer.
These emails are intended to better equip our children and ourselves to be better leaders and fuel spiritual growth.

- Each email will put emphasis on a particular leadership trait that is further emphasized during the monthly 5+2 meeting.

Spiritual Growth
- Emphasis on spiritual growth will initially emphasize prayer, the cornerstone of our faith.

Each one of you on this email distribution has been designated as a leader within the 5+2 kids club (or your children have)..
These lessons will be best used when both parent and child interact together, and who knows perhaps you both learn something about each other and grow a little closer.
The lessons are intended to be short, direct and to the point, with the hope that the parents will make the lesson suitable for their own particular child, but, maintaining the overall emphasis..ie this week is being a "good listener"..
Thank you for your time, contributions and the difference you are making in our community through 5+2.

Good Leaders are Good Listeners.
Listen now to my voice; I will give you counsel, and God will be with you.
Exodus 18:19

As the leader of a 5+2 project or a team leader asked to do something for a project , you set the tone for communication.  A leader's communication must be consistent, clear, and courteous.  But leaders must also be good listeners. When leaders don't listen...
  • They stop gaining wisdom.
  • They stop "hearing" what isn't being said.
  • Team members stop communicating.
  • Their indifference begins to spread to other areas.
  • Ultimately, poor listening leads to hostility, miscommunication, and a breakdown of team cohesion.
How are your listening skills?  Parents, give both you and your child a comprehensive review of your listening skills.  Remember, to expand your feedback to include their ability and willingness to listen to you, their friends, and the kids they lead.  If you don't get good grades on all fronts when you review yourself, then quiet down, listen up, and work to become a better communicator.

There are many ways to communicate to God through prayer, and praying scripture is the at the very foundation.  There is no single "right way" to do it. We can pray God's word verbatim, or as a paraphrase using our own words, or as an inspiration for extemporaneous prayers.  Praying scripture keeps God's Word at the center of our prayers, so that we are praying according to his will and his ways.  His promise is that when we do, we can have whatever we ask!
So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

Scripture:"Lean not on your own understanding, but, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path" Prov. 3:5-6

Paraphrasing scripture:
Father, help______ not try to figure things out on his/her own.
Help him/her to turn to you for guidance in every decision he/she has to make.
Show him/her how clearly you will help him/her understand what to do, if he/she will only pray and ask for your help.

We have chosen to start with paraphrase scripture, that this will help knit your children's heart's desire with the will and desire of our Father.  Perhaps this will even expand and increase your use of scripture in your prayers. May your prayers be strengthened in their effectiveness.
At the end of each week we will provide a paraphrasing scripture along with a leadership trait in an effort to improve our leadership and spiritual growth within 5+2.

"5+2, making a difference in the community around us,one step at a time..."
