Saturday, April 3, 2010

To have a spiritual Child you need to be a spiritual Parent!

Make today a new beginning. Become a brave parent and celebrate your child and your life together boldly by Parenting from a spiritual perspective and discover the glory that choice brings. Remain open for the incredible blessings and joy that come from living life in this way -- for both you and your children.

Our intuition about our kids is finely tuned. Make the decision now to trust the Holy Spirit with your feelings, hunches, sixth sense etc... There is no one better prepared to parent your child than you. When you follow the Holy Spirits (intuition) about ways to best help your child, you are the expert. If you sense your child needs more limits, they do. If you think they are self-absorbed, honor that inclination and follow through on ideas to help them move outside themselves. Give your children the opportunities each day to try out their intuition with small things. "What do you think should go in this soup?" "Where do you think this flower ought to be planted?" "Why do you think your sister is upset?" "How should you handle the teasing at school?" ..Help them understand how to press into the Lord for guidance on larger decisions.. Then reward them when they take their gut feelings out into the world and take action based on their spiritual intuition.

Beginning today, refuse to hold any grudges. Forgive your child as God forgives us all: each moment. Teach your child to trust his intuition even when his world tells him to distrust anything but visible, tangible logic. Allow your child the room to discover who he is meant to be -- paying close attention to your own guidance for information with your role in his journey. Create rituals, ceremonies, and traditions to nourish your child's soul. Construct a family life that makes room for silence. Keep your child's life in balance: learning, playing, praying, loving. Children are radiant spiritual beings, but they are also mischievous, energetic, testing, growing individual who need their parents to help them live in this world.. By being a spiritual parent your children will reap the incredible blessing of being a spiritual child. some lessons are better caught than taught. Lead by example and you too will discover its joy.


The Will to do what is right! "And being in agony, [Jesus] prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like drops of blood." Luke 22:44 Discipline is doing what you really don't want to do, so that you can do what you really want to do. It's paying the price in the little things so that you can buy the bigger thing. This holds true in sports as it does in any 5+2 project. You need to work on the not so great stuff, to enable you to be great. In leadership you have to be disciplined..Disciplined leaders must possess . . .

1. Disciplined Thinking: You can't get far in life if you don't use your head. If you keep your mind active and regularly take on mental challenges, you will develop the kind of disciplined thinking that will help you with whatever you endeavor to do. Yes, this can be difficult and may not land in your comfort zone, but, you will always emerge better for having challenged yourself.

2. Disciplined Emotions: People have just two choices when it comes to their emotions: they can master their emotions or be mastered by them. You shouldn't let your feelings prevent you from doing what you should or drive you to do things you shouldn't.

3. Disciplined Actions: Sharpening your mind and controlling your emotions are important, but they can take you only so far. Action is what separates the winners from the losers. Your actions always reflect your degree of discipline.

PRAYER: We continue to encourage you to practice praying with your children in this new series memorizing Scripture. In continuation of this series, this week we center on Self Control.
But first, let us answer a question from our 1st grade Sunday school class.."Why memorize scripture when I can go to the bible and read it when I need to?"
Well, we suggest that you memorize scriptures that touch your heart and fill your soul with understanding. When scriptures are used as the Lord has caused them to be recorded, they have intrinsic power that is not communicated when paraphrased. Sometimes when there is a significant need in my life, I review mentally scriptures that give me strength. Sometimes it may be at Mile 21 of a marathon or needing patience with my children...There is great solace, direction, and power that flow from the scriptures, especially the words of the Lord."Jesus then went into the wilderness; Lucifer came tempting Him. Jesus deflected each temptation with scripture." Think on it carefully. When facing Perdition himself, the Lord drew upon scriptures for protection.

"Be Self-controlled" 1 Peter 1:3
(please read 1 Samuel 24 with your children)
Self-Control is making yourself do what you know you should do, and keeping yourself from doing what you know you shouldn't do. King Saul's plan was to kill David. What do you think David might have been thinking when he saw Saul so close to him? What did David's men tempt him to do? Did David choose to use Self Control or not? What happened because of the choice David made? Tell about a time when you didn't do something wrong that you were tempted to do..then ask your children the same....

CURRENT PROJECT ! Project: Chicks for Orphans!! lead by: Jacob Thrasher
We will be introducing in more depth at next Wednesdays meeting, if you have any questions contact them at

Congratulations Gilbreaths on a Project well done at Samaritan Inn !! lead by: Colin and Aiden Gilbreath

Blessings,5+2, making a difference in the community around us, one step at a time!

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