Monday, May 31, 2010

Moldy Sandwich of Dependability- NOT


When you wake up in the morning, do you expect the goodness of God in your life?  Do you set the tone of the day for success, favor and blessing?

It doesn't matter what happened yesterday, last week, last month or last year; today is a new day.

Today, you have the power to make a change in your life. Things may be bad, maybe even bad all around you.  People may be negative, complaining and discouraged, but don't let that rub off on you.

Instead, choose to bless the Lord at all times.  Let His praise continually be in your mouth.  Remember, the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn shining brighter and brighter until the full day.
Stay determined to set the tone for each new day by speaking words of faith over your future.  As you do, you'll enlarge your vision and make room for God to do amazing things in every area of your life.

Now to finish up the story of the Moldy sandwich! Below...the Sandwich!! ugh....
Parents this is a great lesson to talk over with you kids to teach them about being dependable..
  OK, back to the moldy sandwich and how it relates to dependability.  To be dependable is to be trustworthy and reliable.  It is how your actions shape others perception of you so, it is to say, What you do is how you are known.
We depend on a lot daily, not just people but things.  For the adults, some of us depend on our morning cup of coffee, or our car to get us here and there.  For kids, we depend on the TV to to work when we watch it, or the playground equipment to stay together when we climb on it.  We even depend on out own bodies to work, out heart to pump and out lungs to breath.  These are things we don’t usually think about because they just work, everyday, without having to get involved very much.
Your still asking yourself, what about this moldy sandwich. Hold on, I am getting there.
  In life we also depend on people.  Police, Firemen, Pastors and Parents.  All of these people we have learned to trust.  Sure there are some bad apples but between a perfect stranger and one of these people we would choose one of the above in a crisis.
  They have proven themselves reliable in a moment of need. Now to the sandwich.

When I started looking for a way to illustrate being dependable I found this picture of a moldy sandwich.  I thought to myself, “Thats gross, I would never eat that” and that is how an undependable person is thought about.  Not that they are gross, but, “Hey, I would never call on that undependable person”  That sandwich probably had some delicious ham, lettuce, tomato, mayo, maybe even bacon.  But due to the condition of the sandwich we can’t see past the mold.  The sandwich is still there, but now it is known as a moldy sandwich.  Even if we had a magic wand that could make the sandwich edible, would you want to eat it??, knowing it was all old and moldy, I wouldn’t, and being undependable is sort of like that.

Lucky for us, we are not moldy sandwiches.  We are people, and we can change.  Jesus provided us a magic wand that can make us new, both in Spirit and in mind.  We can change the way people perceive us by changing the way we think.  That can be done by taking time and reading the Bible.  In changing our thoughts we change our actions, and when our actions change the course of our lives are changed.  In the end we can help change the lives of those around us. You can depend on it.

I thought this verse would go perfect with a moldy sandwich, what a great verse to memorize!
"Don’t just do the the minimum that will get you by. Do your best!.." Col 3:22

Father in heaven, I choose to bless You at all times.  I choose to set the tone to receive Your favor, grace and mercy.  Thank You for Your faithfulness to me at all times.  I choose to constantly speak Your praises! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

5+2, making a difference in the community around us, one step at a time!

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